Baby Bonanza

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

StartUp Nation Home-Based 100 Competition!

School is back in session, football and soccer seasons have started, and the grass is officially yellow from the heat and lack of rain.  Hello September in Ohio!

Our company is proud to announce that we are competing in the Startup Nation Home-Based 100 Competition in the Recession Busters category.  This is a great competition recognizing home-based companies and this is a wonderful opportunity for Baby Bonanza.  Baby Bonanza allows companies of all sizes to market directly to their target audience and at an affordable cost.  Especially in a slow economy, it is all the more important to spend your marketing dollars wisely and Baby Bonanza helps those companies stretch their dollars by bringing the customer (or future customer) to them.

We hope you will consider voting for us.  Please follow the link to the right of this blog.  Thanks and enjoy the warm weather... fall will be here before we know it!  

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